Publications 2023
Les publications du GRPso / 2023

Skrek S, Di Lernia V, Beauchet A, Bursztejn AC, Belloni Fortina A, Lesiak A, Thomas J, Brzezinski P, Topkarci Z, Murashkin N, Torres T, Epishev R, Chiriac A, McPherson T, Akinde M, Maruani A, Luna PC, Vidaurri de la Cruz H, Mallet S, Leducq S, Sergeant...

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Publications 2022
Les publications du GRPso / 2022

Ariane M, Mahé E; Groupe de Recherche de la Société Française de Dermatologie Pédiatrique (SFDP) and the Groupe de Recherche sur le Psoriasis (GrPso) of the French Society of Dermatology (SFD). Combined acitretin-methotrexate therapy seems safe...

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Publications 2021
Les publications du GRPso / 2021

Beytout Q, Pepiot J, Maruani A, Devulder D, Aubert R, Beylot-Barry M, Amici JM, Jullien D, Mahé E; Association France Psoriasis; Research Group on Psoriasis of the French Society of Dermatology (GrPso); Research Group of the French Society of Pediatric...

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Publications 2020
Les publications du GRPso / 2020

Carlet C, Bichard D, Richard MA, et al. Long-Term Infliximab Treatment in Psoriasis Patients: A National Multicentre Retrospective Study. Dermatol Res Pract. 2020;2020:2042636. Published 2020 Mar 9. doi:10.1155/2020/2042636 Husson B, Barbe C, Hegazy...

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Publications 2019
Les publications du GRPso / 2019

Amatore F, Villani AP, Tauber M, Guillot B, Viguier M; Groupe de recherche sur le psoriasis de la Société française de dermatologie . [French guidelines on the use of systemic treatments for moderate-to-severe psoriasis in adults]. Ann Dermatol...

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